High Power Technician

At High Power, we take service very seriously.
Interact with the buttons to learn what makes our Technicians great.

Our technicians are free of facial jewelry and piercings.

HPTS technicians keep themselves clean, neat and well-trimmed.

We wear our Dish/HPTS co-branded shirts with pride, not wrinkles or spots.

We don’t sport vulgar, excessive, or obscene tattoos.

We wear blue, black, or khaki pants. If it’s hot, we wear shorts but never more than 3-inches above the knee.

Our hair is clean, neatly groomed, and back out of our faces so it doesn’t interfere with job performance.

We ensure that our customers are met with a friendly smile.

If we wear necklaces, it’s kept inside our clothing.

We always display our I.D. badge so our customers know they’re working with professionals.

We like to stay safe and prepared; so, we’re always wearing our belts.

Our boots support our ankles and sport non-slip soles with 1/4" heels.

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